Some time ago I requested information of several SysOps who were running BBS’s using Second Sight and were the proud owners of Hayes ULTRA 9600 modems. Two of them took the time to get in touch with me. One in specific (Lawrence W. Lee [71500,664] of Tucson Mac BBS) gave me some very detailed information on his modem settings.
Date: 17-Nov-90 10:12 CST
From: Lawrence n. Lee [71500,664]
Below are the current settings I use with SS and the ULTRA. Configure your modem with these settings, taking care to see that those indicated for Stored Profile O (that's zero) are actually stored in Profile O (read the Ultra manual on how to do this). Then, the init- and hangup- modem commands are simplicity
themselves. The init-modem command should be two lines:
and the hangup-modem file should be three lines:
You MUST use a custom cable, built corresponding to the pinouts shown in the RRH/SS manual. with a cable so configured, you can take advantage of the "DTR Disconnect" feature of Second Sight. Works like a champ. Good luck. If you need further help, please contact me via the Mac section in the Hayes Sysop toll-free BBS.
My current settings:
B16 Bl B41 B60 EO L2 MO Nl P QO Vl Wl X4 YO &Cl &D2 &GO &JO &KO &Q5 &RO &SO &T4 &UO ~XO &YO
I tried his settings and they worked fine…except for one problem. Several of my callers were users of Abaton InterFax 24/96 modems. I own one and understand firsthand what fine instruments these are and the loyalty the engender from their owners. Whenever these users called and managed to attempt connections using MNP Level 5, they usually had difficulty completing downloads from my BBS.
In addition to this problem, my BBS log always showed them as having logged on at 38,400 baud rather than 2400 baud. I later discovered that when attempting error-corrected downloads using MNP 5 Second Sight was unable to maintain flow control. Eventually the download hung or was aborted and my users were unhappy.
The problem was solved in two ways. Initially I warned all caller seeking to download using MNP 5 not to do so and gave them the suitable AT commands to prevent their modems from attempting such a connection.
Later I decided to have my BBS simply prevent my Hayes ULTRA from allowing such connections in the first place. Once this was done all problems ceased and as of this writing everyone is happy again. The key is storing a value of 1 in register 36 rather than the usual 5.